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Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen, Viserys I Targaryen, Otto Hightower, Corlys "The Sea Snake" Velaryon, Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon, Alicent Hightower, Criston Cole
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Author puts show and book canon into a blender, The Dance of Dragons, Was really uncessary, House Targaryen Supremacy, Daemon is such an obvious little brother, What if Viserys actually was a good older brother, Daemon gets a trial as Regent, but - Freeform, Rhaenyra is Queen, Yes I'm spoiling my own story I don't care. Let Targaryen Queens rule, Uncle/Niece Incest, Do I actually need to tag that what are you doing in this tag if so, Some flirting while Rhaenyra underage, Blame Matt and Milly's chemistry
155 Кб
В процессе
22.09.2022 — 29.12.2022
“Because if I intended to simply take leave, as you say, it would be expected that the Hand and Small Council would govern in my stead, in my name.”
Daemon nodded, taking a sip from his cup.
Viserys caught his gaze and held it. “Instead, I want you to govern, as if you were king.”
Daemon choked, spluttering and wasting the fine Arbor Gold all over the floor. “What?!”
“You say you wish to be my Hand, and later succeed me on the Iron Throne. Let us test that shall we? Discover whether you truly wish to rule the Seven Kingdoms.”
In the wake of his grief, Daemon’s words and pleas at the foot of the Iron Throne manage to touch Viserys’s heart. He had lost sight, in his quest for a son, of the family he already had. He had forgotten that House Targaryen could only be felled when it teared itself apart from the inside out.
No more.
So, rather than exile, Viserys decides to take a gamble.
Or, if Viserys was just a little less stupid and a little more brotherly.

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Безумно бы хотелось, чтобы это было каноном. Детали характера сохранены близкими к канону, с небольшими отступлениями. И половину работу я сидела, довольно ухмыляясь, потому что не может не нравится, когда планы Отто идут одним местом. Более братский Визерис... Мне этого не хватало. Этих семейных уз. Прекрасная работа.
