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26 февраля 2019
Aa Aa
Любопытный анализ вероятности для мужчины быть ложно обвиненным в изнасиловании: https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/02/17/lies-damned-lies-and-social-media-part-5-of-%E2%88%9E/

Там много весьма интересных аргументов, но меня особо заинтересовал этот:
...like rapes themselves, most false rape accusations never reach law enforcement.

While rape victims have some incentives to report their cases to the police – a desire for justice, a desire for safety, the belief that the evidence will support them – false accusers have very strong incentives not to – too much work, easier revenge through other means, knowledge that the evidence is unlikely to support them, fear of getting in trouble for perjury if their deception gets out. So I consider it a very conservative estimate to say that the ratio of unreported to reported false accusations is 4:1 – the same as it is with rapes. A more realistic estimate might be as high as double or triple that.

Собственно, это один из моментов, который мне кажется весьма важным - латентность в ложных обвинениях в изнасиловании означает, что они тоже не попадают в статистику.
Любопытен также и вывод, сделанный автором статьи - вероятность того, что (американский) мужчина за свою жизнь будет ложно обвинен в изнасиловании, от 0.3% до как минимум 3%:
We will stick with the article’s figure of 84,000 reported rapes per year and 8% false accusation rate, for a total of 6,750 falsely accused.

We go on to assume, for the sake of conservativism, that there has never been a single false accuser who did not later confess, and that there has never been a false accuser who did not go to the police (my own memories of this must be hallucinations).

Since there are 53 million men ages 15-39 in the United States, the probability of being one of these 6,750 falsely accused is 1/7850 per year. But since you have 24 years in that age range in which to be accused, your lifetime probability of being falsely accused is about 1/327, or 0.3%. This is small, but according to Clymer’s list it’s about the same as your risk of dying in a car crash. Do you worry about dying in a car crash? Then you are allowed to worry about being falsely accused of rape.
What about a slightly less hyperconservative estimate? Continuing our conservative assumption that there has never been a false accuser who has not later confused, but allowing that false accusations reach the police at only the same rate that rapes do, 1.5% of men will get falsely accused.

What estimate do I personally find most likely? Suppose we keep everything else the same, but allow that for every false accuser who later confesses, there is also one false accuser who does not later confess. This raises the false accusation rate to 16% – which, keep in mind, is still less than half of what the police think it is, so it’s not like we’re allowing rape-culture-happy cops to color our perception here. Now 3% of men will get falsely accused.

Сам я сырые данные по пруфлинкам автора не проверял, так что, если у него есть баги в данных или в методике, я был бы рад получить об этом информацию.
26 февраля 2019
2 комментария
Из комментариев, тоже интересное:
I think it’s kind of shitty and a double standard how on the one hand people respond with the furious indignation of a thousand suns when you suggest that women are more likely to get raped if they’re getting drunk and flirting with lots of guys at parties, but we shrug and say that men are just sort of expected to never get drunk and hook up with girls at parties if they don’t want to get falsely accused.
Еще любопытного, про "наркотики изнасилования" vs эффект от самого алкоголя: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/6440589/Date-rape-drink-spiking-an-urban-legend.html
Правда, ссылки на само исследование там я не нашел, так что, возможно, это случай "ученый изнасиловал журналиста".
