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Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Male Hawke/Female Inquisitor, Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Dorian Pavus, Varric Tethras, Cassandra Pentaghast, Iron Bull
Female Protagonist, Memory Loss, Action & Romance, Who am I, Amnesia, Love Triangle-ish, We meet again, foul-mouthed inquisitor, Sporadic Updates, Fluff and Smut, sex marathon, One Night Stand, Cullen Has Issues, Cullen Rutherford Has Issues, Awkward Cullen Rutherford, Male Hawke/Female Trevelyan - Freeform, Roguish Hawke, Purple Hawke, Custom Hawke, Snarky Hawke, Sebastian Vael Cameo, Origins Crossover, King Alistair, Queen Cousland, Hawke knows Everybody, Drunken sex, Drunk Desk Sex, Ostwick Headcanon, Dragon Age II Crossover, Dragon Age Headcanons, Inquisitor Backstory, Main Character Crossover, Cousland - Hawke - Trevelyan, Inquisitor (Dragon Age) has Sibling(s), Trevelyan has a twin, Cullen Rutherford/Female Trevelyan - Freeform, Male-Female Friendship, Hawke in Dragon Age: Inquisition, Mutual Pining
1 931 Кб
В процессе
26.08.2018 — 23.06.2021
Born and raised in a palace in Ostwick, Lena only wanted the one thing that she as a noblewoman couldn't have; Freedom. When her father accuses her of corrupting her twin brother, Leon, Lena is given two options: be executed for treason or travel to Ferelden and join the Templar order or chantry as is tradition with the youngest child in the Trevelyan family. After a failed escape attempt leaves her handcuffed in the back of a carriage and riding through the Frostbacks, she gets caught up in a dark plot that gets her memory wiped.
Now people told her she had stumbled out of a rift but she doesn't remember any of it let alone who she is or where she's from. All she knows is that she was convicted of multiple murders including Divine Justinia which she just knows she's innocent. Now they want her to clean up a mess she doesn't believe she's made.

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