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En Garde (смешанная)

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Kat_2V ещё 1 произведение
Petrice (Dragon Age)/Original Female Character(s), Merrill (Dragon Age)/Original Female Character(s), Varric Tethras, Fenris (Dragon Age), Anders (Dragon Age), Female Hawke (Dragon Age), Hawke Family (Dragon Age), Aveline Vallen, Sebastian Vael, Cullen Rutherford, Isabela (Dragon Age), Elthina (Dragon Age), Marlowe Dumar, Meredith Stannard, Brennan Evighan, Desire Demon(s) (Dragon Age), Female Cousland (Dragon Age), Male Brosca (Dragon Age), Male Mahariel (Dragon Age), Male Amell (Dragon Age), Ser Thrask (Dragon Age), Tallis (Dragon Age), Cassandra Pentaghast
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Humor, Action/Adventure, Kirkwall (Dragon Age), City Elf Culture & Customs (Dragon Age), Surface Dwarf Culture & Customs (Dragon Age), Eventual Relationships, Eventual Romance, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Fluff and Angst, Rated For Violence, Fantastic Racism, Modern Girl in Thedas, More or Less Tags Later, Dalish Elven Culture & Customs (Dragon Age), Modern Character in Thedas, POV First Person, Sarcasm, Attempted Realism, Opening Style: In Media Res, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Book 1 complete, Angst and Drama, Drama & Romance, elven main character, Slow Burn, Extreme slow burn, Romantic Gestures, Abominations (Dragon Age), Book 2 complete
2 732 Кб
17.06.2023 — 03.05.2024
For anyone who thinks that living in Thedas would actually be pleasant, I'm here to tell you that it's anything but. You don't realize how much you take for granted until its all been stripped away, when dodging slavers and Templars becomes part of your daily routine. When every step outside of your door carries the risk that you won't be making it back that night, when each time you sleep voices beg you to let them in. When your suddenly pointed ears mark you for harassment on the good days, and attempted murder on the bad ones.
All I want is to go home, and I've got a plan. If anyone knows how I got here, how to send me home, it's the two gods that are still running around. Even better, I know exactly where one of them will be in the year after the Fifth Blight. All I need to do is find Hawke and follow them around until it's time to get Mythal out of her little gem, and then see what kind of deal I'll need to make to get out of there.
I thought it was a good plan.
Then everything went catastrophically wrong.
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