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Фэндом Captain America - All Media Types archiveofourown.org

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В сервис загружено 288 произведений

Проволока (слэш)

1   19.08.2014    archiveofourown.org   
Написано на заявку:" Кэпостарки в настоящем, Старбакс в будущем. На момент встречи Стива и Баки, Роджерс в отношениях со Старком. Как разобьется эта парочка и соберется новая - на усмотрение автора. Не юмор, но и без драм. Рейтинг тоже на усмотрение автора." Автор: nikirik
Фандом: Captain America - All Media Types
Персонажи: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Natasha Romanova, Pepper Potts
Размер: 11 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Not overly fond of what follows (слэш)

1   18.08.2014    archiveofourown.org   
After every high comes an inevitable low.
Even though this visit from Asgard is more peaceful (and awkward), a friendly warning can still cut deep, and Tony is left to tend to an old wound, all on his own.
Автор: usedupshiver
Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man - All Media Types, Thor - All Media Types, Captain America - All Media Types
Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers
Размер: 21 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Intervention (слэш)

1   12.08.2014    archiveofourown.org   
When the day finally comes, and Loki is ready to stop running, Tony finds out that one of the most terrifying things can be someone willing to do anything to stay with you.
Between them and utter destruction, there is only a soldier, and the remains of brotherly love. Tony is really hoping it will be enough.
Автор: usedupshiver
Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man - All Media Types, Captain America - All Media Types, Thor - All Media Types
Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel)
Размер: 21 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Withdrawal (слэш)

1   11.08.2014    archiveofourown.org   
Quitting anything cold turkey is never easy, and that's not even news to Tony. But when Loki walks out of his life, it's a lot worse than anything he would have ever expected.
He has no idea he's not the only one who has a hard time dealing with the situation, though.
Автор: usedupshiver
Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man - All Media Types, Captain America - All Media Types
Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 31 Кб
Статус: Закончен

August 20th (смешанная)

0   05.08.2014    archiveofourown.org   
Tony Stark has a secret. He hides it very well until August 20th comes around.
On that date he is usually totally intoxicated by the end of the night... It was easier to hide when he was a regular drinker but now that he is on the wagon it is a little harder to keep his August 20th drinking habits to himself, especially when he has a boyfriend who cares about him.
It's only a matter of time before Steve finally catches him in the act and Tony has to come to terms with August 20th: the birthdate of Peter Parker, the birthdate of a boy he had never met, the birthdate of his son...
Автор: iL0Vsuperman
Фандомы: The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Captain America - All Media Types, Iron Man - All Media Types
Персонажи: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy, May Parker (Spider-Man), Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Bruce Banner
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 113 Кб
Статус: Закончен

The S. Rogers Memorial (it’s NOT a shrine) to J. B. Barnes (слэш)

1   11.07.2014    archiveofourown.org   
When the Avengers realize that Steve doesn’t have anything to remind him of Bucky Barnes, they embark on a project to track down Bucky memorabilia. But it seems that Steve isn’t the only visitor to the (unofficial) J. B. Barnes memorial (which is totally NOT a shrine, Tony). Автор: SkyisGray
Фандом: Captain America - All Media Types
Персонажи: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Bobbi Morse, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov, Thor (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 105 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Нет такого другого на свете (слэш)

0   01.07.2014    archiveofourown.org   
Саммари: Написано на заявку Ms. Ada: "РПС. Век этак девятнадцатый. Уважаемый поляк (или не важно, кто) Эванс влюбляется в Себастьяна, румынского цыгана, вора и конокрада.
Заказчик просит контраста внешности, колец, подвесок, песен, жестокой страсти и рейтинга."
Автор: nikirik
Фандомы: Captain America - All Media Types, Captain America RPS
Персонажи: Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan, Natasha Romanov, Nick Fury, Tony Stark
Размер: 29 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Мы уцелели 

0   12.05.2014    archiveofourown.org   
Если бы всё можно было победить силой любви, отпала бы сама потребность в супергероях, верно? Автор: Элайджа Бейли (kohvoo)
Фандомы: Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Персонажи: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Flash Thompson, Carol Danvers, Leonard Samson, и другие
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 83 Кб
Статус: В процессе
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