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Фандом на фанфиксе: Песнь Льда и Огня
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В сервис загружено 348 произведений

Harrion Stark: The Snow Prince 

0   26.02.2020    fanfiction.net   
Stark born, silver eyed, a boy who lived and died. He will be the Snow Prince, the Winter King, the Final Hero come again. Only the unbowed Princess will stay him, unbent Summer Queen heal him and unbroken Dragon hold him. He will be the blade that will shatter the world and remake it in ice and fire. This is his story. Harry/Multi. Автор: Lord Marshal
Фандомы: Harry Potter, A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: [Harry P., Rhaenys T.] OC
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Adventure/Romance
Размер: 102 Кб
Статус: В процессе

The Wizard of Westeros 

0   19.02.2020    fanfiction.net   
The Master of Death's wandering spirit finds a universe where a medieval world has counterparts of people he once knew. His spirit merges with a mortal host named Harren Storm, bastard son of Lord Steffon Baratheon, half-brother of Robert Baratheon, in the year 272 AC. Westeros setting with HP characters built into the world. Автор: Archmage.Potter
Фандомы: Harry Potter, A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: Harry P.
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанры: Fantasy
Размер: 259 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Aemon the Dragonwolf 

0   13.02.2020    fanfiction.net   
AU after ADWD/Season 6. The King in the North discovers his true identity and fights an ancient evil. Dany meets new allies in Westeros and battles for the right to rule. Jaime seeks redemption and a worthwhile cause, and the Stark children return home, armed with new skills. Hybrid of book and show. Now featuring Ch 28: Sam's Oldtown Boogaloo feat. Marwyn and Alleras. Автор: gauchadeutsche
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: [Jon S., Sansa S.] [Jaime L., Brienne T.]
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Adventure/Family
Размер: 725 Кб
Статус: В процессе

A Healer's Journey 

0   03.02.2020    fanfiction.net   
In the years after the war, all Dorea Potter had wanted was peace and happiness. But thanks to the infamous Potter luck and some meddling of an old witch, her journey takes her far away from home. Stranded in Westeros, she has to find her own way home. Or maybe she doesn't even want to go back, this new world is vast and full of adventure. Fem!Harry, pairing undecided at the moment Автор: Sereven
Фандомы: Harry Potter, A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: Harry P.
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанры: Drama/Fantasy
Размер: 191 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Dorne's Great Heaven 

0   24.11.2019    fanfiction.net   
An 'What if' scenario. How would Westeros fare if one of the 4 greatest generals of Ancient China were to be re-incarnated in war-torn Westeros. A general with unparalleled military skills is re-incarnated into House Martell, which fundamentally alters the future of Westeros. Absolutely non-compliant with Canon. Now, War, Politics and Scheming take on a whole new level in Westeros. Автор: adrien skywalker
Фандомы: A song of Ice and Fire, Kingdom/キングダム
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Drama/Supernatural
Размер: 660 Кб
Статус: Закончен

The Red Dragon (Rewrite) 

0   20.11.2019    fanfiction.net   
As you can guess. This a rewrite of the original story, Red Dragon. The storyline will be different here so if you guys are interested to take a peek please do. A Viserys Targaryen SI. Автор: darkstream0
Фандомы: Game of Thrones, A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: Viserys T., Daenerys T., Aurane W.
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Fantasy/Adventure
Размер: 115 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Robb Stark, The Protector of the Realm 

0   15.11.2019    fanfiction.net   
Features a smarter, stronger and a more politically astitute Robb Stark on his conquest of Westeros. Jon Snow never joins the Night's Watch and follows Robb on his march South. Starts where Robb is encamped in Moat Cailin and Catelyn comes to see him. Rated M for Strong Language, Adult Themes and Graphic Sexual Scenes. Previously titled Robb Stark, The King In The North. Автор: RobbStark2002
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: [Robb S., Margaery T.] [Jon S., Daenerys T./Dany]
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Fantasy/Romance
Размер: 156 Кб
Статус: В процессе

The Young Wolf of the North 

0   28.10.2019    fanfiction.net   
Harry Potter manages to kill Lord Voldemort but the price is too expensive, and he ends up dying. However, the gods decide to give it a try. It is time for the future King of the North to ascend. Harry!RobbStark. Reincarnation. Автор: AndyRiddleSnape
Фандомы: Harry Potter, A song of Ice and Fire
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Adventure
Размер: 23 Кб
Статус: В процессе

The Fiercest Lion 

0   23.10.2019    fanfiction.net   
What if Tyrion's first wife became pregnant by a chance of fate? What if Tysha managed to escape her life in Westerlands and raised her son to be a force of her vengeance? This is the story of a commoner that raised her son to become something to challenge the very foundations of Westeros. Fortunately her son already had an ideal. (OC SI) Автор: darkstream0
Фандомы: Game of Thrones, A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: OC, Daenerys T., Tyrion L.
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Fantasy/Adventure
Размер: 15 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Stars and Swords: A Self Insert Story 

0   26.08.2019    fanfiction.net   
A British diplomat wakes up in Westeros. Автор: Apollo139
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: Baelor Breakspear, Bittersteel, Bloodraven, Daemon Blackfyre
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Drama/Adventure
Размер: 199 Кб
Статус: В процессе

The Golden Stag 

0   26.08.2019    fanfiction.net   
His siblings looked nothing like his father, what with their golden hair and emerald eyes. Why, looking at Myrcella was like looking at a mirror of his mother. Not that Damon had any right to talk. When HE looked in a mirror, he saw his uncle Jaime. Автор: Kerjack
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: Cersei L., Jaime L., OC, Tyrek L.
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанры: Fantasy/Adventure
Размер: 548 Кб
Статус: В процессе

The King Of Winters 

0   24.08.2019    fanfiction.net   
'The Strength of the Wolf maybe the pack, but the lone wolf is certainly the baddest one. And the Dragons who made him one will feel the wrath of the Lone Wolf.' The Rebellion never happened and Rhaegar Targaryen rules the Seven Kingdoms with his right, setting aside his father. But what he didn't took into the account was the one big mistake he'd done in the past. Автор: King of Kings456
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Fantasy
Размер: 836 Кб
Статус: В процессе

This Time, We'll Do Better 

0   24.08.2019    fanfiction.net   
Modern girl Sansa Tully is visiting the famous Red Keep and getting more than she bargained for when hurled back in time to King Joffrey's court, there to meet one snarling hound... Will she try to get back or try to make things better? Canon AU time-travel 'fix-it' story with multiple POVs and multiple relationships (Sansa x Sandor, Jaime x Brienne, Arya x Gendry, Ned x Catelyn). Автор: LadyTP
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: Arya S., Brienne T., Sansa S., Sandor C.
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Romance
Размер: 1 325 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Una Canción de Batalla 

0   23.08.2019    fanfiction.net   
Cersei planea el asesinato de Robb en la Red Wedding y Jaime es el único que puede salvarle la vida. Juntos, atravesarán los Siete Reinos e irán en busca de Daenerys, para volver a Westeros un día, recuperar Winterfell de manos de los Bolton y verse arrastrados a una nueva Danza de Dragones. M/M Slash Yaoi Автор: Zophiel Lagace
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: Jaime L., Robb S.
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанры: Romance/Adventure
Размер: 1 715 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Hear Me Roar 

1   23.08.2019    fanfiction.net   
"When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." Combat veteran Matthew Holmes is forced into the body of Joffrey Baratheon just as the War of Five Kings begins. Автор: Trevor the Enchanter
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанры: Drama
Размер: 141 Кб
Статус: В процессе

A Crack of Thunder 

0   23.08.2019    fanfiction.net   
Book 2 of A Song of Metal and Marvels. War grips Westeros. Tony and Jon protect the innocent, blind to the threats from the Iron Islands. Daenerys faces doom. Arya searches for the Brotherhood. Theon's destiny is changed. Tyrion struggles to maintain control. And the Others strength their power. But all will change when the gods return to Westeros, for they bring thunder with them. Автор: Mr. Chaos
Фандомы: Marvel, A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: T. Stark/ Iron man, Daenerys T./Dany, Jon S., Tyrion L.
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанры: Fantasy/Adventure
Размер: 1 418 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Our Blades Are Sharp 

2   22.08.2019    fanfiction.net   
The Houses of Bolton and Stark share a bloody history. Twice have the Boltons rebelled against the Starks, and twice have they been forced to bend the knee. The Lord of the Dreadfort, Roose Bolton decides a different tactic to strengthen his house under the Warden of the North. He offers his trueborn son and heir, Domeric Bolton as a ward to House Stark. Cover by Hecate Blackmood96 Автор: spectre4hire
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: [Domeric B., Sansa S.] Eddard S./Ned, Robb S.
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Drama/Romance
Размер: 1 511 Кб
Статус: В процессе

A Happy Marriage 

0   20.08.2019    fanfiction.net   
Ned and Ashara have lived happily in Winterfell with their children for fifteen years but now that King Robert is in need of a new Hand, they are dragged into the Game yet again...will they survive or die? Автор: RedAquilla
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: [Eddard S./Ned, Ashara D.]
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Romance/Drama
Размер: 217 Кб
Статус: В процессе


0   20.08.2019    fanfiction.net   
AU. OC. OC-INSERT. Areli Lannister was born after Tyrion. She has taken her mother's last strength. And she was royally screwed to be born into the family that literally fucked over half the people in the Song of Ice & Fire. But she is a Lioness with Heart, and anyone can take the Game of Thrones and throw it on its head if they know enough. Please Read & Review. Автор: Moon Witch '96
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Персонажи: Cersei L., Jaime L., Tyrion L., OC
Рейтинг: R
Жанры: Fantasy/Family
Размер: 189 Кб
Статус: В процессе

A Fish Out of Water (ASOIAF SI) 

0   16.08.2019    fanfiction.net   
An Edmure Tully SI that attempts to be truly realistic. Автор: Soczab
Фандом: A song of Ice and Fire
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанры: Fantasy
Размер: 421 Кб
Статус: В процессе
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