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Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям


Поиск персонажей

Группы персонажей

Хайнлайн: История будущего. Общие персонажи (18)

Хайнлайн: Дети Мафусаила (2)

Хайнлайн: Там, за гранью (34)

Хайнлайн: Ракетный корабль «Галилей» (0)

Хайнлайн: Космический кадет (1)

Хайнлайн: Красная планета (0)

Хайнлайн: Фермер в небе (0)

Хайнлайн: Среди планет (50)

Хайнлайн: Космическое семейство Стоун (0)

Хайнлайн: Астронавт Джонс (3)

Хайнлайн: Звёздный зверь (1)

Хайнлайн: Туннель в небе (0)

Хайнлайн: Двойник (1)

Хайнлайн: Время для звёзд (0)

Хайнлайн: Дверь в лето (2)

Хайнлайн: Гражданин Галактики (41)

Хайнлайн: Имею скафандр — готов путешествовать (1)

Хайнлайн: Чужак в чужом краю (6)

Хайнлайн: Дорога доблести (1)

Хайнлайн: Марсианка Подкейн (2)

Хайнлайн: Пасынки Вселенной (0)

Хайнлайн: Свободное владение Фарнхэма (7)

Хайнлайн: Луна — суровая хозяйка (5)

Хайнлайн: Не убоюсь я зла (1)

Хайнлайн: Достаточно времени для любви, или Жизни (5)

Хайнлайн: Число Зверя (0)

Хайнлайн: Фрайди (1)

Хайнлайн: Иов, или Осмеяние справедливости (3)

Хайнлайн: Кот, проходящий сквозь стены (40)

Хайнлайн: Уплыть за закат (0)

Хайнлайн: Нам, живущим (0)

Хайнлайн: Переменная звезда (0)

Хайнлайн: Персонажи повестей (25)

Хайнлайн: Персонажи рассказов (33)

Всего персонажей - 283

Sister Maggie

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Персонаж повести "Если это будет продолжаться..."

Dr. Mahmoud,"Stinky"

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Malath Da Thon

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Martian courier sent to acquire the ring that Dudley Jefferson had given to Don Harvey.


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Engineer at the atomic plant, who went violently insane from job stress.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен "


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Dr. Mary Lou Martin

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Персонаж рассказа "Да будет свет!"


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Woman who complained about the passengers' long wait in Goddard Hotel.


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Captain of the guerrilla group with which Don Harvey fought on Venus. He had been on detached duty at the time of the Federation invasion, and so avoided capture. He took it upon himself to gather together all soldiers not captured by the Federation. This group was called Marsten's Raiders.


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[mentioned in passing] Control natural, owner of a hairdressing studio and wife of the owner of the Milky Way Bar.


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[mentioned in passing] Venus colonial given special attention by the occupying forces, reason unspecified.

Lady Maud

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Jack Moreau's horse.

Helen Mayberry

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Soupie McClanahan

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[mentioned in passing] Founder of Dry Bones Pressure.

McFee Norbert

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Member of the dinner party that insulted Hamilton Felix, also a guest at Johnson-Smith Estaire's party. He was a conspirator in the Survivors Club who recruited Felix and Monroe-Alpha Clifford; he was presumably killed during the abortive coup.


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Sergeant in the Venus Republic High Guard, part of the occupational force at Circum-Terra.

Gloria McNye

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Персонаж рассказа "Далила и космический монтажник"


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[mentioned in passing] Juggler who worked the main plaza in Jubbulpore.

Arthur Middlegaff

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Manager's Proxy for Housing in Golden Rule, who sent Richard Ames an eviction notice the day after Enrico Schultz was killed.


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Member of the Venus Republic force occupying Circum-Terra. He was ordered to guard Don Harvey while Don's claim of Venusian citizenship was checked.


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Colin Campbell was recruited to help the Time Corps rescue the sentient computer, Mike, from destruction during the final battle of the Lunar Revolution. The book's ending leaves his fate unknown.


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sentient computer, used to run the planet Secundus

Персонаж романов "Достаточно времени для любви, или Жизни Лазаруса Лонга" и "Кот, проходящий сквозь стены"

Frank Mitsui

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Персонаж повести "Шестая колонна"


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Barmaid at Mother Johnston's speakeasy.

Персонаж повести "Ковентри"

Monroe-Alpha Clifford

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Director of the Office of Analysis and Prediction within the Bureau of Economic Statistics. He was a friend of Hamilton Felix, who rescued him from his own folly when Cliff got involved in the Survivors Club conspiracy. He married Hartnett Marion and accepted work on the Grand Eidouranion.

Mordan Claude

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District Moderator for Genetics, married to

Jack Moreau

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Don Harvey's bunkmate at Ranchito Alegre. He planned on signing up for pilot training after graduation.


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Waiter who was serving Richard Ames when his dinner was interrupted by Herr Nameless.

Mort the Wart

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Dr. Mott

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Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Mother Thing

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An employee at Mother Shaum's.


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