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Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям


Поиск персонажей

Группы персонажей

Хайнлайн: История будущего. Общие персонажи (18)

Хайнлайн: Дети Мафусаила (2)

Хайнлайн: Там, за гранью (34)

Хайнлайн: Ракетный корабль «Галилей» (0)

Хайнлайн: Космический кадет (1)

Хайнлайн: Красная планета (0)

Хайнлайн: Фермер в небе (0)

Хайнлайн: Среди планет (50)

Хайнлайн: Космическое семейство Стоун (0)

Хайнлайн: Астронавт Джонс (3)

Хайнлайн: Звёздный зверь (1)

Хайнлайн: Туннель в небе (0)

Хайнлайн: Двойник (1)

Хайнлайн: Время для звёзд (0)

Хайнлайн: Дверь в лето (2)

Хайнлайн: Гражданин Галактики (41)

Хайнлайн: Имею скафандр — готов путешествовать (1)

Хайнлайн: Чужак в чужом краю (6)

Хайнлайн: Дорога доблести (1)

Хайнлайн: Марсианка Подкейн (2)

Хайнлайн: Пасынки Вселенной (0)

Хайнлайн: Свободное владение Фарнхэма (7)

Хайнлайн: Луна — суровая хозяйка (5)

Хайнлайн: Не убоюсь я зла (1)

Хайнлайн: Достаточно времени для любви, или Жизни (5)

Хайнлайн: Число Зверя (0)

Хайнлайн: Фрайди (1)

Хайнлайн: Иов, или Осмеяние справедливости (3)

Хайнлайн: Кот, проходящий сквозь стены (40)

Хайнлайн: Уплыть за закат (0)

Хайнлайн: Нам, живущим (0)

Хайнлайн: Переменная звезда (0)

Хайнлайн: Персонажи повестей (25)

Хайнлайн: Персонажи рассказов (33)

Всего персонажей - 283

Hargrave Caleb

0 0 0

Assistant to Dr. Thorgsen.

Cal Harper

0 0 0

Atomics plant engineer relieved of duty by Dr. Silard when his behavior patterns changed. He was put to work on research, and developed an atomic fuel suitable for space flight.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Dr. Cynthia Harvey

0 0 0

Don's mother, a native of Venus and an archeologist working on Mars. She was a member of the Organization.

Donald James Harvey

0 0 0

the protagonist.

Dr. Jonas Harvey

0 0 0

Don Harvey's father, a noted archeologist and a member of the Organization.


0 0 0

Member of the Survivors Club conspiracy, given unspecified assignments for the revolt.

Delos D. Harriman

0 0 0

Business tycoon who inspired and largely funded many space-related endeavors, including the first trip to the moon. Harriman is mentioned indirectly in most of the Future History stories, mostly in businesses and institutions bearing his name. In "The Black Pits of Luna", he is referenced indirectly; the Harriman Trust is Richard Logan's employer, In "Blowups Happen", he is the founder of Rockets Consolidated, and he underwrote the first issue of Antarctic Pitchblende.

Персонаж романа "Уплыть за закат: Жизнь и любови Морин Джонсон"

Персонаж повести "Человек, который продал Луну"

Персонаж рассказов "Взрыв всегда возможен", "Тёмные ямы Луны"

Thomas P. Harrington

0 0 0

Mathematician and director of the U.S. Naval Observatory. He raised fears that the atomic plants were unstable and may blow up.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Jubal Harshaw

0 0 0

Персонаж романов "Чужак в чужом краю", "Число Зверя", "Кот, проходящий сквозь стены", "Уплыть за закат: Жизнь и любови Морин Джонсон"

Hartnett Marion (Molly)

0 0 0

A guest at Johnson-Smith Estaire's party with whom Monroe-Alpha Clifford fell in love. After a frantic search for her, he met her again in the Sierra Nevada Forest while he was still deranged from the abortive Survivors Club coup. Thinking she was a mutation, he tried to kill her, but she survived. She was actually an experimental genotype possessing extraordinary emotional control and civility. She married him in spite of his earlier behavior towards her. Clifford called her "Molly".

Hazel Hayakawa

0 0 0

[mentioned in passing] Woman who died in a lab explosion on Luna. A memorial was set up to her and other victims.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны"

Gretchen Henderson

0 0 0

Ingrid Henderson's daughter.

Персонаж романов "Луна — суровая хозяйка", "Кот, проходящий сквозь стены", "Уплыть за закат: Жизнь и любови Морин Джонсон"

Jinx Henderson

0 0 0

Salvage operator who rescued Richard Ames and Gwen Novak after their crash landing on Luna. He was owner of Happy Chance Salvage Service, Dry Bones Ice Company, Henderson's Overland Cartage Company, and John Henry Drilling, Welding and Rigging Contractors. He took Ingrid Henderson's surname when he married her; he was born John Black Eagle.

Wolf Henderson

0 0 0

Ingrid Henderson's son.


0 0 0

Johnny Ling claimed this was his "milk name" when he tried to persuade Don Harvey to sell him the ring that Dudley Jefferson had given him (it was embossed with an "H").


0 0 0

Owner of the Milky Way Bar frequented by Hamilton Felix. He and his wife Martha were control naturals.


0 0 0

Commodore who commanded the Venus Republic force that occupied Circum-Terra. He ruled that Don Harvey would be sent to Earth rather than Venus, but changed the decision when pressured by Sir Isaac Newton.

Alex Hergensheimer, Alec Graham

0 0 0

Mycroft "Mike" Holmes, Adam Selene, Mychelle Holme

0 0 0

Jonathan Hoag

0 0 0

Персонаж повести "Неприятная профессия Джонатана Хога"

Ira Howard

0 0 0

Hornby Willem

0 0 0

Survivors Club conspirator. He was accused of disobeying orders and summarily executed.

Hoskins Geraldine

0 0 0

Representative to the Genetic Planning Council from the Northwest region.

Emerson Hough

0 0 0

Cited by David MacKinnon as a model of wilderness survival.

Персонаж повести "Ковентри"


0 0 0

Maggie Snodgrass' late partner, whom Jinx Henderson hinted had died under suspicious circumstances.


0 0 0

Member of the Genetic Planning Council, Speaker for the Day during the hearing to consider Mordan Claude's proposal for an investigation into life after death.


0 0 0

Accountant whom Sethos ordered to settle Richard Ames' and Gwen Novak's accounts and bring cash to close them out.


0 0 0

[mentioned in passing] Member of the Sisu clan, a friend of Mata Kingsolver.


0 0 0

Owner of a fruit stand near the amphitheater where Richard Baslim and Thorby Rudbek lived.


0 0 0

Waiter at DeLancey's Sans Souci Bar.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"


0 0 0

Name that Hamilton Felix proposed to Longcourt Phyllis for their then-hypothetical son. It means "He will bring sorrow."

Jacobstein Ray, Jake

0 0 0

Director of the investigation into telepathy.


0 0 0

Junior officer in the Sisu.

Dudley Jefferson

0 0 0

A friend of Don Harvey's parents and member of the Organization, whom Don contacted before he left Earth. He was arrested in Don's company, and Don was later told he "suffered a fatal heart attack" during interrogation. He had sent Don a ring that, though Don was unaware of it, contained information crucial to building a weapons defense and faster-than-light-travel system.


0 0 0

Guard at the Coventry gateway who sent David MacKinnon through. (also in other stories)

Персонаж повести "Ковентри"

Tom Jeremy

0 0 0

[mentioned in passing] Character in the video serial The Space Troopers.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны "


0 0 0

"Customs inspector" in Coventry who confiscated most of David MacKinnon's belongings.

Персонаж повести "Ковентри"


0 0 0

Terran soldier who invaded the Two Worlds Dining Room, taking Don Harvey prisoner and killing Old Charlie.


0 0 0

One of the soldiers hunting Don after his escape from the detention camp.


0 0 0

(Uncle) Possibly apocryphal relative of Richard Ames about whom Ames told Gwen Novak highly improbable stories about his sex life. He was a resident of Grinnell, Iowa.


0 0 0

Central American representative to the Genetic Planning Council, and a religious authority with the title Most Reverend Mediator.

Bill Johnson

0 0 0

Nightwalker (undocumented laborer) who intercepted Gwen Novak and Richard Ames as they were moving out of her apartment. He was ineptly disguised as a proctor.

Senator Richard Johnson

0 0 0

Alias used by Richard Ames before leaving Golden Rule.

Thaddeus Johnson

0 0 0

[mentioned in passing] Creator of the stasis field where J. Darlington Smith was found.

Johnson-Smith Estaire

0 0 0

Hostess of a party attended by Monroe-Alpha Clifford and Larsen Hazel, at which Clifford met Hartnett Marion.

Mother Johnston

0 0 0

Owner of a speakeasy in New America where Fader Magee and David MacKinnon took refuge after their jailbreak.

Персонаж повести "Ковентри"


0 0 0


0 0 0

Therapist who looked in on Hamilton Felix at the Carstairs Infirmary.


0 0 0

The "human" name of Refreshing Rain.

Max Jones

0 0 0

the protagonist

